It is the ultimate stand-up comedy show to kick off the sunny season with a roar of laughter! Featuring a lineup of hilariously talented comedians, this night is packed with summer-themed humor, clever punchlines, and non-stop fun. Whether you’re celebrating the end of spring or soaking up the summer vibes, this show is your ticket to an unforgettable evening.
Headliner: Brad Lowery
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Brad has been seen on HBO, Comedy Central, HBO’s Def Comedy Jam and was a cast member on “The Apollo Comedy Hour”. Brad has been nominated for Comedian of the Year four times and has been seen on A & E’s “Caroline’s Comedy Hour” and CBS’s “Star Search.” He has also opened for acts such as Chris Rock, Tommy Davidson and Adam Sandler.
Feature: Cisco Hernandez
Hosts the regular Monday Night B&C’s Comedy Open Mic Night at GAP
Opener: Mike Stanley
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Freckle-faced cartoon. Local to Wilmington/Philly. Your next comedic consultant.